Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blast from the past!

Peaches emailed this to me. His sister found it in her email. It was an email to my friends in AZ from Massachusetts. Again do not judge me on the spelling and flow. I used to just write and never look back so as to capture my most random thoughts.
Here it is in it's entirety. It took all my will power not to spell / grammar check it: P

Saw this kid the other day riding a bike with no seat. I was alarmed. somewhere some kid is being beaten with a bycycle seat and its all this fat kids fault!! how lazy do you have to be to not put your bike seat back on, i tell ya if i ever fnd it ill beat him with it myself.

but thats just another day in the chute. full of cantankerous old woman who insist on ordering of the kids menu. its one thing to order off the kids menu, but dont give me the eye when i hand you crayons! i like crayons. nuthing wrong with it. i also enjoi watching the lumberjack olympics on espn. is that wrong? well if you watch like i do i suppose so, im secretly rooting that theyll slip and rack themselves on the log. or biff it real entertaining like. dont judge me! most of the nascar watchin hicks here are thinkin the same thing.

searching for schoalrships. ive decide to be an english major with a minor in foreign languages. but i shant learn anyuseful ones. anyone can learn french, italian, or german. i will learn swahili, pigeon, dutch and latin. you know pretty rare. alot of people speak french but swahili, there's a rariity. you dont see that everyday. so one day when they dont want to give me a job beacause im brown. (but they dont say that)so they say i cant have the job because i dont speak swahili, wont they be surprised when i in fact i do. thatll show em. french pff who needs it.

sigh at least my will to live has returned. here ive time to myself to read rite and rant. my 3ree rs.

ha is she joking?

Before you jump to conclusions about all the friends i have just remember they were born that way

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