Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lost steam

I have lost something secret blog. How sad is it then when even when you KNOW none is reading you, you edit yourself. I am at this point, I left a party and that last words that rung in my head where "you are not being fun"
I want people to read this and get politley quiet. Change there moods to some un spoken knowlegde and hekp me be okay.
I just realized this to be un realistic. How can I be so selfish as to assume they
would need to care. Or mind, Or WTF does it matter?
I have always needed needed. How do I stop, livingupto what is and should be. Stop wanting what families have.
Save me. I need you. Listen and care. Be there and worry. In return I will Love you and care for you. In return I will be okay and catch you, in return I will be do what you ask. but Only In Return. ... ...

Take a chance..

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I always beleived that people were similar but never the same. Doppplegangers are just that. Today this very night i met JoEse's doppleganger. It was striking at first. As soon as I walked in the room I was like" WTF!! We must speak into the wee hours of the evening!" Yet I felt awkward.. how would you feel? As the night wore on, a whole hour or so. I decided it would be a horrible regret if I did not speak with him. Or paths had crossed before. We went to the same middle school we shared a friend. So I went for it.
He was really fucking cool. I opened up the convo with "hey you are my friends doppleganger" He took this info in stride and we talked at length. The world is vast and mysterious. One less regret amd many questions answered. The hardest thing is that I can never tell the real JoEse what his dopple was like. The universe did not want this. it was not meant to be.