Wednesday, September 08, 2004

fear of stalling

so dan plays the drums susahnn can sing and i can learn to play the bass, plus eric hayes can be that random guy
who dances on stage. we dont want to be famous we just need something to do in our off time. hhahahah this shuld entertain us for a week or so and hey i get to learn a new instrument. hahahahahahahahahahahaha oh ya and i just bought a tv and a skirt 2 things i thought i would never buy in this lifetime (blink blink)

Random revelation: people say i shouldnt feel old but in this day in age im old enough to be someones mother gah!! if i ever got pregnant im frickin leaving the country!! hbcskbsdk;bdk;bne


crackhead said...

hey barbary one qustion what does c rispy play

Mulk said...

its my bloggerversary.